Veterans Committee

Current Priorities

The Committee on Armed Services and Veterans’ Affairs shall: (1) seek to establish a working relationship with those agencies in government, national, state and local, having the responsibility in the affairs of members of the various Armed Services and Veterans and to see that the programs to which they are responsible are administered fairly and justly to members of the minority community; (2) study conditions pertaining to veterans and members of the Military Service and their dependents and/or survivors in the community; (3) serve as a center of information on matters affecting the members of the Active Military, Reserves, State National Guard and Veterans; (4) maintain a repository of materials, information and forms to be used in assisting veterans and/or dependents of veterans and military personnel with their problems; (5) receive and act on all complaints relative to acts of discrimination on account of race, color, creed, or denial of benefits to which they are entitled because of discrimination; (6) prepare a quarterly report on committee activities to be submitted to the Executive Committee of the Unit and the National Director of Armed Services and Veterans Affairs.

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The Veterans Committee is looking for new members who are passionate about education in our community.

Email us to get involved

Latest News

Hanover NAACP’s response to the Federal Government dismantling celebrations of Black History, Hispanic History and Women’s History months along with other exclusions!

  Hanover NAACP's response to the Federal Government dismantling celebrations of Black History, Hispanic History and Women's History months along with other exclusions. We will focus on the main things and continue our celebrations as usual. Our expectations are...