HCBos Gandy school name 3-23 (3)
The name of the consolidated Henry Clay and John M. Gandy elementary schools in Ashland seemed like a settled matter. In 2018, a consensus was reached to retain the Gandy name on the new building, to open during the 2024-25 school year on the current Gandy campus....
Hanover NAACP Opposes Hanover School Board Renaming Decision
Gandy Statement 3-'23
Hanover NAACP is grateful to be a partner with Mr. Scott in this effort for Hanover
Making a Difference: Stuart Scott leads effort to deliver 40,000 pounds of food to needy Click to read full article
Virginia NAACP Mourns the Passing of Congressman A. Donald McEachin
The Virginia State Conference NAACP (Virginia NAACP) mourns the passing of Congressman A. Donald McEachin. He fought fiercely and fearlessly for civil rights and racial justice. Congressman McEachin brought hope to the hopeless and light to those who struggled in the...
Virginia NAACP Obtains Records Regarding Attorney General’s “Election Integrity Unit
Virginia NAACP Obtains Records Regarding Attorney General’s “Election Integrity Unit." Links below: Press Release here:...
[BREAKING] NAACP successfully persuades EPA to investigate racist use of federal funds for Jackson, MS water systems. This is a strong first step by the EPA, but we know that environmental racism doesn’t end at Jackson’s city limits. The federal government MUST make...
Historic Black community celebrates halting Hanover landfill development
HANOVER COUNTY, Va. (WRIC) — A historic Black community finally has something to celebrate after years of development debates. Brown Grove is a historic Black community that has called Hanover County home since 1870. Since then, the community has been impacted by new...
Organizations Advocating for Virginia LGBTQ+ Youth Respond to Hanover County School Board’s Proposed Restroom and Locker Room Policy
Hanover fails at every turn to create a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment for all of its students by proposing a policy that would place an undue burden on trans students to "earn" the right to use public school facilities please click link to read...
Clifford Alexander Jr., first Black secretary of Army, dies at 88
Clifford L. Alexander Jr., a Harlem-raised, Ivy League-educated lawyer who was a crusading chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in the late 1960s and later served as the first Black secretary of the Army, died July 3 at his home in Manhattan. He was...